PCB helps the development of new energy vehicle industry

In recent years, driven by the new energy vehicle policy, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China has increased significantly. In 2018, the sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 1256000, a year-on-year increase of 67.1%; in the first quarter of 2019, the sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 299000, a year-on-year increase of 109.7%. The popularization of automobile electronics will promote the quantity and price of automobile PCB (printed circuit board) to rise. In recent years, the trend of automobile electrification and electronization is obvious, and PCB is almost everywhere in automobile electronic system.

The PCB consumption of new energy vehicles is nearly 4 times that of traditional fuel vehicles, and the price of single PCB is more than 1200 yuan. At present, the special vehicle charger, DC-DC converter, inverter and battery management system for new energy vehicles need to use a large number of PCB. The penetration rate and total volume of domestic new energy vehicles are in the forefront of the world, and the high growth rate will be maintained in the next few years. Relevant PCB suppliers will benefit significantly.

Automobile business has become the main business of many A-share listed PCB manufacturers, and has contributed to the main part of revenue increase in recent years. In 2018, the share of Global Automotive PCB in the top six automotive businesses of A-share listed companies was about 12%, significantly higher than that in 2017, which was 10%. Since the new century, PCB industry has gradually moved eastward, and the share of domestic production in the world has increased from 17% to more than 50%. China is an important downstream production place of PCB, and the global share of automobile business of PCB manufacturers is expected to continue to increase.

The domestic leader of the automobile board represented by Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd. has actively participated in international cooperation and introduced advanced technology. The high-frequency PCB used in millimeter wave radar has achieved mass production. At the same time, many PCB manufacturers have realized the coverage of downstream power battery, charging and other new energy automobile electronic systems. The business of domestic automobile PCB will play an increasingly important role in the revenue increment of PCB manufacturers. At the same time, with the rapid development of domestic downstream, domestic PCB enterprises will be able to obtain a certain share from multinational enterprises.

Sep 26, 2019

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