Development history and direction of PCB

Brief history of development: since the mid-1950s, China has started the development of single-sided printed boards, which were first used in semiconductor radio. In the middle of 1960s, we independently developed the base material of clad plate in China, which made the etching process of copper foil become the leading process of PCB production in China. In the 1960s, we have been able to produce large quantities of single panel. Small batch production of double-sided metallized hole printing, and in a few units began to develop multilayer board. In the 1970s, the technology of graphic plating and etching was popularized in China. However, due to various interferences, the special materials and equipment for printed circuit did not keep up with each other in time, and the whole production technology level fell behind the advanced level of foreign countries. In the 1980s, due to the policy of reform and opening up, not only a large number of single-sided, double-sided and multi-layer PCB production lines with the advanced level of foreign countries in 1980s were introduced, but also the production technology level of China's PCB was improved rapidly after more than ten years' digestion and absorption.

Development direction: in recent years, China's electronic industry has become one of the main pillars to stimulate domestic economic growth. With the rapid development of computer, communication equipment, consumer electronics and automobile industry, PCB industry has also achieved rapid development. With the development of printed circuit products, new materials, new technology and new equipment are required. China's printed circuit material industry should pay more attention to improving the performance and quality while expanding the output; the printed circuit special equipment industry is no longer a low-level imitation, but to the production automation, precision, multi-functional, modern equipment development. PCB production integrates the world's high and new technology. The production technology of PCB will adopt new technologies such as liquid photosensitive imaging, direct plating, pulse plating, multilayer board and so on.


Nov 08, 2019

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